What's Included in The Pass
As a training pass member, you will get access to all upcoming webinars listed in our events section, in addition as a member you will get access to the below online courses.
All courses are certificated and delivered by experts with lived experience and are certificated for CPD.
Full Course List
Therapeutic Parenting for Beginners:
Understanding your Traumatised Child
What is Therapeutic Parenting?
Introduction to Attachment
Managing Behaviours:
Always on the Move
Dealing with Food Issues
Dealing with Lying
Dealing with Meltdowns
How to.... Deal with Arguing
How to.... Deal with Food Issues
How to.... Deal with 'Mad' Lying
How to.... Deal with Schools (Homework and Discipline)
How to.... Deal with Social Media
How to.... Deal with Wee and Poo!
Hungry Heart
Juggling Act
Lying and the Shame Game
Managing Birthday and Celebrations
Managing Siblings
Mess Everywhere!
Monster Island
Preparing for School
Strategies To Manage Behaviour - Dealing with Lying and Stealing
Surviving the Holidays(Summer and Christmas)
The A-Z of Therapeutic Parenting
The Quick Guide to Therapeutic Parenting - Part 1
The Quick Guide to Therapeutic Parenting - Part 2
The Real Child - Sabotage
Toilet Tales
Understanding and Managing Food Related Issues
Why Can't My Child Keep Friends?
Bedtime and Sleep
Calming the Angry Child
Helping Your Child to Manage Transitions
How to.... Deal with Destruction
How to.... Deal with Nonsense Chatter
Introduction to De-escalation and Protective Interventions
LIVE Recorded Q&A: Violence and De-escalation
On The Lookout
Separation Anxiety
Teen Addictions
Understanding Sexualized Behaviour
Self Harm
Naming the Need
Hear is an example of how the webinars are presented.
​Anger, Destruction & Violence:
Calming the Angry Child
How to.... Deal with Destruction
Introduction to De-escalation and Protective Interventions
LIVE Recorded Q&A: Violence and De-escalation
Dealing with Meltdowns
An Anxious Child is not A Learning Child
Bedtime and Sleep
Helping Your Child to Manage Transitions
How to.... Deal with Nonsense Chatter
On The Lookout
Separation Anxiety
Teen Addictions

Supporting Professionals:
Erikson's Theory of Development and Therapeutic Parenting
Supporting Families with Swearing
Supporting you to support your families: Food Issues
An Anxious Child is not A Learning Child
Looking After Ourselves:
Staying Sane as a Therapeutic Parent with Sarah Naish
Survival Strategies for Therapeutic Parents
Surviving in a Couple Relationship as Therapeutic Parents
Monster Island
Surviving the Holidays(Summer and Christmas)
Managing our own guilt and anxiety
Isolation and Loneliness
Challenges for Parents who have Experienced Trauma
Keeping a Sense of our own Identity
How to carry on when you feel overwhelmed
Resolving Feelings of Loss and Greif
Understanding Trauma:
Creating Positive Relationships
Honesty and Necessary Lies
Introduction to Attachment
Introduction to Therapeutic Parenting
No One Asked Me!
Tentacles of Trauma
The Trauma Room
Therapeutic Parenting: Where it all begins!
Trauma Room 1 & 2
Truth, Lies and the ‘Memory Carousel’
Understanding Toxic Shame
Understanding your Traumatised Child
What is Therapeutic Parenting?
What Lies Beneath - Internal Working Model
What's My Child's Diagnosis?
What's Wrong with Me?
Why Do Children Do The Things They Do?
Ask the Panel Anything!
The A-Z of Therapeutic Parenting
The Quick Guide to Therapeutic Parenting - Part 1
The Quick Guide to Therapeutic Parenting - Part 2
The Real Child - Sabotage
Managing the Early Days
Teens & Social Media:
Lost and Lonely: Teens in Crisis
How to.... Deal with Social Media
Teen Addictions
Understanding and Managing Food Related Issues
Teens and Social Media
Teenage Friendships and Absconding
Transitions, Celebrations & Holidays:
How to Manage the Early Days
Staying Sane as a Therapeutic Parent through the Summer Holidays
Why I Wobble at Easter
Managing Birthday and Celebrations
Helping Your Child to Manage Transitions
Separation Anxiety
Food Related Behaviours:
Dealing with Food Issues
How to.... Deal with Food Issues
Hungry Heart
Strategies To Manage Behaviour - Dealing with Lying and Stealing
Understanding and Managing Food Related Issues
Managing Schools:
How to.... Deal with Schools (Homework and Discipline)
Preparing for School
An Anxious Child is not A Learning Child
Children's Stories:
Rosie Rudey and the Enormous Chocolate Mountain - Video Recorded Story Read By Rosie Jefferies
Sophie Spikey Has a Very Big Problem - Video Recorded Story Read By Rosie Jefferies
Managing the System:
How to.... Deal with Other Professionals
The A-Z Webinars:
Bath Time Issues
Birthdays, Christmas, and other Celebrations
Boasting, Lying + Overreacting
Choosing Difficulties
Compassion Fatigue
Controlling Behaviours
Lack of Empathy
False Allegations
Food Issues
Joking and Teasing
Memory Issues
Nonsense Chatter
Messy Bedrooms
Poo Issues
School Issues
Separation Anxiety
Sexualized Behaviour
Sibling Rivalry
Sneaky Behaviours